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No. [Embassy of Denmark in Korea] Invitation to the 4th Nordic Talks Korea event / 제 4회 노르딕토크코리아 초대장
관리자 ㅣ 조회수 5623

주한덴마크대사관 정세희입니다.


다름이 아니라 주한 북유럽 대사관 (덴마크스웨덴핀란드노르웨이) 다음  목요일 (9 24 19) 주최하는 노르딕토크 코리아 행사에 대한 홍보를 부탁드리고자 메일 드립니다.


이번 행사는 온라인으로 진행되며주제는 “북유럽이 전하는 게놈학과 바이오뱅크 이야기로 네 명의 북유럽 및 한국의 전문가 분들의 강연이 있을 예정입니다.


업무로 많이 바쁘시겠지만혹시 관련 네트워크에 하기 메일 전달을 부탁드려도 될까요?


가능하시다면 saejeo@um.dk로 회신 부탁드리겠습니다.

현재 내부 서버 문제로 다른 메일로 연락드리는 점 양해해 주시기 바랍니다.




정세희 드림






On behalf of the Nordic Embassies in Korea and Innovation Centre Denmark Seoul, it is my pleasure to invite you to the fourth exclusive Nordic Talks Korea event on September 24th 2020 at 7-9 PM.


The event will be held online due to the current COVID-19 situation, but we sincerely hope that this virtual set-up will allow more participants to join the inspiring discussion.


The topic of the evening is Genomics and Bio Banks – Ensuring a Healthy Future with four inspirational and entertaining talks by Nordic and Korean keynote speakers.


Nordic Talks Korea is a project established by the Nordic Embassies in Seoul in collaboration with Seoul Metropolitan Government and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The events were successfully held three times in 2019, focusing on issues that are of mutual interest and importance to Nordic countries and South Korea. To give you an idea of the atmosphere and scope of the event, follow this link from our previous event in April 2019.


To sign up for the event, please visit our website and fill in the form. For those who registered, more information on the event will be sent out via email.


For any inquiries, please write to saejeo@um.dk.


Please also help spread the word to those who you think might be interested in this topic and discussion. Looking forward to meeting you online!


Best regards,

Innovation Centre Denmark Seoul


** If you do not wish to receive any further emails about Nordic Talks Korea, please let us know on this link.








2020 9 24 (오후 7 – 9주한 북유럽 대사관에서 주최하는 4 노르딕토크 코리아 행사에 여러분을 초대합니다.

코로나 여파로 인해 아쉽지만 행사는 온라인으로 대체될 예정이오니공간상의 제약에서 벗어나  많은 분들이 참여하실  있기를 진심으로 기대합니다.


이번 행사의 주제는 “북유럽이 전하는 게놈학과 바이오뱅크 이야기로 네 명의 북유럽 및 한국의 전문가가 관련 분야의 흥미로운 주제로 이야기 나눌 예정입니다.


노르딕토크 코리아는 주한 북유럽 대사관이 주최하며 북유럽각료회의 장관의 후원과 서울시의 공간 후원으로 진행되고 있는 프로젝트입니다북유럽과 국내에서 중요하게 다뤄지는 관심 사안들을 중심으로 2019, 3회에 걸쳐 성공적으로 행사가 진행되었습니다작년 행사에 대해  알아보시려면  링크 참고해주세요.


행사 참여를 원하시면 노르딕토크 코리아 홈페이지에서 사전등록해주시기 바랍니다등록해주신 분에게는 추후에 행사 참여 링크  관련 정보를 메일로 전달 드릴 예정입니다.


추가적인 문의 사항은 saejeo@um.dk  보내주시기 바랍니다.


온라인 상으로   있길 바라며 분야에 관심 있으신 주변 분들께도 공유해주시면 감사하겠습니다.


주한덴마크대사관 이노베이션센터 드림
